A social platform for respectful Political discourse!
The only place for respectful political debate in the United States!
At PoliTorium, you can expect ease in political discussion without any trolling, anger, or spam content.
Exchange ideas, create petitions, join groups, and so much more!
PoliTorium is the all-in-one place for integral politics.
Leave the rage-fueled political arguments to the other social platforms. PoliTorium allows users to keep an open mind without worrying about tar and feathers.
With our reputation system, users can understand the quality of posts and recognize the trustworthiness of other users.
With the local feed, you can track your city’s political happenings, build a reputation amongst your community, or begin a run for a local office!
Why PoliTorium?
Every social platform allows users to talk politics, but none of them give users a space to be free from trolls, bots, hate, and partisan ideology.
It’s the only all-in-one place for everything political. From creating petitions, breaking news, educational spaces, and a community-driven ban appeal system that protects every user’s freedom of speech. at PoliTorium, we don’t believe any company should control the speech of its users.
Users create petitions that involve local or national policies. If supported by the community, petitions will be spotlighted on PoliTorium to gain the signatures needed to achieve the user’s goal.
Some users may like to debate with others in private, so we give you a place to do that with the chat feature.
Choose your flag to tell the community where you stand - what your political views and beliefs are. This encourages debates between all sides!
Select your flag, create petitions, and chat with friends!
PoliTorium is now, and always will be free! We want to give you a place to speak with passion, free of any worry of cost. Get every perk, at none of the price!